My DLK For Fine Lines and Wrinkle Treatment

        Fine Lines and Wrinkles Treatment in Toronto

        Fine lines and wrinkles are among the most common concerns amongst men and women as we age, impacting one’s overall appearance and self-confidence. DLK on Avenue is one of Toronto’s most trusted destinations for advanced treatments that effectively and safely combat fine lines and wrinkles, leaving you feeling refreshed, youthful, and rejuvenated.

        What are Injectables for Fine Lines and Wrinkles?

        Injectables used by the DLK on Avenue team can restore volume in areas where sagging has occurred, smooth out wrinkles, and create a more youthful appearance. Injectables relax muscles and diminish fine lines caused by stress, genetics, aging, or repetitive facial movements, amongst other factors. DLK on Avenue is a leader in fine line and wrinkle treatments, helping Toronto patients achieve the youthful glow they’ve always wanted to restore. 

        You're only a step away from a new life!

        Injectables for Fine Lines and Wrinkles at a Glance:

        Procedure Length
        Approximately 10 - 20 minutes
        Recovery Time
        No downtime
        Up to 4 months
        Pain Level
        None required

        DLK on Avenue for Fine Line and Anti Wrinkle Treatment

        DLK on Avenue’s personalized fine line and wrinkle treatment approach and emphasis on achieving natural-looking results means you walk out of our comfortable, state-of-the-art clinic with your beauty enhanced and your self-esteem boosted.  

        Anti Wrinkle Injection Experts

        Renowned Dermatologists and anti-wrinkle treatment experts Dr. Lisa Kellett and Dr. Sonya Abdulla lead DLK on Avenue’s talented team. They aim to provide safe and effective anti-aging treatments in a comfortable medical setting.

        Dr. Lisa Kellett

        Dr. Kellett is set apart by her unique approach to cosmetic enhancement and skin care by developing and supervising individualized, specialized treatment regimens for each patient in a way that puts even the most anxious patients at ease. These customized treatments combine the best of dermatological medicine with the latest technological advances to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Learn More

        Dr. Lisa Kellett

        Dr. Sonya Abdulla

         Dr. Abdulla is a leader in the industry of Aesthetic Medicine and is recognized for the natural results she achieves for her patients by developing holistic yet customized treatment plans to address specific concerns like signs of aging, such as fine lines and wrinkles. She aims to make you look and feel youthful in a comfortable clinic setting. Learn More

        Dr. Sonya Addulla

        How to Prepare for Anti Wrinkle Injections?

        To prepare for your anti-wrinkle injections, you should follow any specific instructions given to you by your provider to ensure optimal results. These instructions will include but are not limited to:

        • Avoiding blood-thinning medications.
        • Stopping nicotine and alcohol consumption for a week before treatment.
        • Washing your face gently, without using harsh exfoliants or chemicals, for days leading up to your appointment
        • Showing up to your treatment with a clean face, free of makeup and moisturizers.
        • Preparing your home so you can heal optimally when you arrive after your treatment.


        Understanding the Anti Wrinkle Injection Treatment

        During your anti-aging treatment, the DLK on Avenue team will use fine needles to inject the neurotoxin into the target muscles. You may experience mild discomfort during the procedure, similar to snapping a rubber band on your skin. These injections will be placed wherever you have fine lines, wrinkles, or lost volume that you are concerned about.

        DLK on Avenue uses topical numbing creams and ice packs to ensure your comfort during and after the treatment. This anti-wrinkle procedure is relatively quick, typically takes 15-30 minutes, and involves minimal downtime. 


        Anti Wrinkle Injection Aftercare and Recovery

        There is minimal downtime associated with anti-wrinkle injectable treatments, but it is still important to follow all aftercare instructions during your recovery to ensure you heal optimally and can enjoy your results as soon as possible. Some general recovery guidelines include:

        • Follow all aftercare instructions provided by the DLK team.
        • Avoid touching the treated area, as it can move the filler around.
        • Sleep with your head elevated to promote proper blood flow.
        • Avoid makeup, exfoliants, and moisturizers with harsh chemicals for the first week following your treatment so the injection site is not affected.
        • Expect slight bruising and swelling that will subside within a few hours to a few days.
        • Refrain from participating in strenuous activities for the first few days.

          You will experience the best results when you follow the instructions provided by the DLK on Avenue team.
          Your expected downtime is generally minimal, with very few side effects. Expect a small amount of swelling and bruising, but you should be fully healed and turning heads within one week. 


        Anti Wrinkle Injection Treatment Areas

        Some key areas we treat where wrinkles and fine lines often appear include the forehead, around the mouth, around the eyes, near the eyebrows, along the jawline, and down the neck. DLK on Avenue’s professional team will customize your anti-wrinkle injection treatment plan based on your individual concerns and goals.

        Forehead Lines

        Anti-wrinkle injections can help smooth horizontal lines on the forehead that form due to repeated expressions, such as raising your eyebrows, being shocked/surprised, or furrowing your face due to stress. We carefully place injections so you can achieve a relaxed and youthful fine line-free appearance on your forehead.

        Glabellar Lines (Frown Lines)

        Anti-wrinkle injections successfully target vertical lines between the eyebrows that can give you an angry or tired appearance, often called your “elevens.” These lines can form due to repeatedly furrowing your brows due to stress, anger, or confusion and are one of the first areas to be affected by signs of aging.

        Crow's Feet

        Effective anti-wrinkle injections can treat the fine lines that often appear around the corners of your eyes due to repeated smiling and laughing. Precise injections performed by the DLK on Avenue team can retain the eyes’ natural expressiveness while minimizing the wrinkles that show.

        Brow Lift

        Strategically placed anti-aging injections can lift up your brows, opening up your eyes more to give you a youthful, refreshed appearance where you may have looked tired or angry before. Not only can these injections treat fine lines and wrinkles, but they can also lift sagging areas of the face and restore lost volume.

        Smile Lines

        Diagonal lines often form on the sides of the nose and around the mouth when you laugh or scrunch your face, but these lines can be filled in and will fade with DLK’s anti-wrinkle injections.

        Lip Lines

        A sign of aging that commonly sneaks up on people is lip lines, which are vertical lines seen around the lips caused by repetitive puckering from kissing, using straws, or simply talking. Anti-wrinkle injections soften the appearance of both these lines and your lips to rejuvenate the mouth area.

        Neck Bands (Nefertiti Lift)

        Bands and fine lines on the neck can be a dead giveaway of your age, but DLK’s anti-wrinkle injections relax neck muscles to give you a smoother, lifted look that will take 10 years off of your appearance.

        Jawline and Masseter Muscle

        Anti-wrinkle injections can even be utilized to slim your jawline, contour your side profile, and reduce teeth grinding (also known as bruxism) while you sleep by relaxing the muscles, firming the skin, and adding volume where needed.

        Benefits of Anti Wrinkle Injections

        Anti-wrinkle injections can be used preventatively or to slow the formation of new wrinkles by inhibiting muscle movement. These injections and treatments offered by DLK on Avenue effectively relax muscles, encourage collagen production and add volume to address dynamic wrinkles and to prevent new wrinkles from forming, resulting in smooth, youthful-looking skin.

        The anti-wrinkle injections offered by DLK are an ideal non-surgical alternative to rejuvenating facial treatments that require you to go under the knife. If you want a quick refresh that involves little risk and little commitment, anti-wrinkle injectables are perfect for you. 

        If you’re concerned about looking overly “done” or your treatment results being too obvious, the DLK on Avenue team is here to provide you with the perfect solution - modern anti-wrinkle injections that preserve your natural beauty by providing subtle results.

        Risks and Side Effects of Anti Wrinkle Injections

        Choosing a qualified and experienced anti-wrinkle injection provider like the talented team members at DLK on Avenue reduces your risk of experiencing complications. During your consultation, you must disclose your medical history, any medications you take, and any previous cosmetic treatments you have received to ensure your safety. 
        Some common and temporary side effects that can occur after anti-wrinkle injections include:
        • Redness.
        • Swelling.
        • Bruising.
        • Mild discomfort.
        Allergic reactions are rare during this treatment due to the purified solutions used in DLK’s anti-wrinkle injections. Informing your provider about allergies or sensitivities during your consultation is extremely important so we can give you the most comfortable experience possible - with beautiful results.

        Book a Consultation for Anti Wrinkle Injections

        Take your first step towards smoother, more youthful skin by scheduling a consultation with DLK on Avenue’s anti-wrinkle injection experts to discuss your unique concerns and create a customized treatment plan. 

        FAQs on Anti Wrinkle Injections

        Q1. Can I resume normal activities after the treatment?

        Yes, you can resume your normal routine following your anti-wrinkle injection treatment. However, you should avoid strenuous activities, using harsh exfoliants, wearing makeup, applying pressure to your face, and sleeping on your side for the first few days post-appointment.

        Q2. Are anti-wrinkle injections suitable for all skin types?

        Yes, anti-wrinkle injections are an effective treatment option to give all skin types and tones a youthful glow.

        Q3. Can I combine anti-wrinkle injections with other treatments?

        Yes, you can combine your anti-wrinkle injection treatment with other anti-aging treatments or body contouring treatments for full rejuvenation in less time.

        Q4. Can men benefit from anti-wrinkle injections?

        Yes, the anti-wrinkle injections provided by DLK on Avenue are curated to treat everyone’s unique needs and concerns, regardless of gender.

        Q5. Is there an ideal age to start anti-wrinkle injections?

        You need to be at least 18 to receive anti-wrinkle injections at DLK on Avenue. If you are seeking out these injections as a preventative measure, you may want to consider this treatment in your 20s. Most people receive anti-wrinkle injections in their 30s and 40s when fine lines and wrinkles appear.

        Q6. Can anti-wrinkle injections be reversed if I'm not satisfied with the results?

        While your results cannot be reversed, this is a temporary treatment. The solution will dissolve within a few months, and you will look how you did pre-treatment.

        Q7. How do anti-wrinkle injections differ from injectable fillers?

        While injectable fillers predominantly focus on restoring lost volume, anti-wrinkle injections treat fine lines and wrinkles. Both treatments can address lost volume, but anti-wrinkle injections are the most effective way to reduce the appearance of lines on the skin.


        Is an Injectable for Fine Lines and Wrinkles Treatment Right for You?
        To find out if this treatment is the best fit for your individual skin concern, contact us directly. Dr. Kellet will assess your needs and develop a program built specifically for you.
        Schedule a Consultation
        THE CLINIC
        DLK on Avenue
        108 Avenue Road
        Toronto, Ontario
        M5R 2H3
        Phone: 416-440-2597
        Fax: 416-923-2597
        MON: 9:00am - 5:00pm
        TUE: 8:30am - 7:00pm
        WED: 8:30am - 7:00pm
        THU:8:30am - 7:00pm
        FRI: 8:30am - 7:00pm
        SAT: 9:00am - 5:00pm
        SUN: Closed